Thursday, February 28, 2013

February 2013 Recap (In Pictures...mostly)

Valentine's Day
The night before Valentine's I sent Matt to the dollar store to get something for each of the girls from us. They each got chocolates and a window paint set.
  While he was there he spotted a plastic cake holder tupperware (for a dollar!) & remembered that I have been really wanting one.  He surprised me with it Valentine's morning (he left @ 5:30am for the OR, so he just left stuff out for me to find), along with a small adjustable easel for the artwork I have been attempting since we moved.  They were absolutely the PERFECT gifts for me.  I literally started crying when I saw them, they were things that I have selfishly wanted for a long time, but I wouldn't have spent the $ (even though they were both inexpensive) at this point on myself.  And they were things that encourage my artistic hobbies.  What a blessing to have a husband who knows me so well! 
He also is wise and prudent enough to know that we can't afford to spend $ on something like flowers right now, so he stayed up SUPER late (after I went to bed at 11pm) watching videos on youtube learning how to make origami flowers for me (remember he had to be up at 4:30am).  My mom used to make origami flowers for me as a kid, so not only was this so sweet and thoughtful of him, it also hit a sweet sentimental note.  In our 9 Valentine's Day together, this is by far the best he's ever done.  In fact I think it ranks #2 of all time gift giving events on his part!  GOOD JOB BABY!!

The girls and I painted homemade cards for him
Lily got a pretty big haul from school
That night we made pink heart shaped pancakes, pink eggs, and had pink berries for dinner.  I even cooked sausage links for Matt.  If you know me you know that this is a BIG deal.  'Cause sausage is the worst.


We got quite a bit of snow in February, and I got quite a few shoveling workouts, I eventually had to start carrying shovelfuls  several feet down so that the mailbox (which is about chest high) wouldn't be covered.  Yes.  I do miss the sunshine!
But we are doing our best to enjoy the Snow

 We love to do 'Family Movie Night' at our house, Matt's brother Barry and his wife Janeal sent us a homemade popcorn maker and it is a huge hit!  The girls love to watch it POP!
 Lily's 6th Birthday
Lily requested a strawberry, hello kitty, ballerina cake.  I have no idea where my kids get such specific opinions on cake flavors/styles, but it's fun to create their visions!
 I made a fresh strawberry, cream cheese, whipped cream mousse for the filling and it was pretty yummy!
I think that Lily is such a wonderful and special person.  In my laziness I will copy my Facebook status from her birthday to express how I feel about her. 6 years ago today I became a mommy. That in itself would've been my greatest blessing, but to be gifted a child so sweet, kind, thoughtful, curious, and SMART is more than I will ever deserve!! Happy Birthday to my sweet Lily-Bug!
 One of my favorite things about Lily is what a great example and big sister she is!  She has such a desire to always be kind and to do the right thing.  Here she is with her sisters before church.
 She told her Sunday School teacher that her favorite candy was lollipops and her teacher gifted her this for her b-day, how sweet!!
 Checking out her presents, special thanks to GG, BlaBla, Nana, and Charlie!!
 Her Birthday was on a Sunday and we had a nice quiet family day.

Overall February was a great month!  On the non-picture side it was super busy with things like paperwork (for school*Izzie and Matt*,  health insurance*such drama there*), doctors appointments, car insurance 6 month renewal due (we've been here for over 6 months!), filing taxes, etc.  I've been a busy mommy and that's (mostly) been a good thing!  We've got LOTS of things happening in March and I am excited for all the things it will bring. (keeping my fingers crossed that warmer weather and sunshine is on that list!!)


Heather said...

Your cake skills seriously impress me. Also, I am quite convinced I'm not going to be as cool of a mom as you with all the fun holiday things and stuff like that. But I'm cool with that.

Dandi said...

You've got a good man there. I sure miss you guys!!!

Jewel said...

A few things, in no particular order:
1. You. Look. AMAZING. Seriously--love the hair, you're so skinny, and you just look gorgeous. No way you have three kids, I'm just saying.
2. I'm so impressed with the fact that you dress your kids up in snow clothes in order to enjoy the snow with them--ON YOUR OWN!! I took my kids outside today (no snow here, but still cold enough to require bundling up), and by 20 minutes outside, two of the kids were screaming and I had to physically drag them inside. I kept thinking of your post as I inwardly chanted, "I'm being a good mom. I'm being a good mom." It's okay to have rough times when you go the extra mile--the point is you went it! (right?) :)
3. Your daughters are so beautiful! Such pretty girls--obviously, that comes as no surprise, considering how good-looking their parents are, but still.
4. We did pink pancakes for V-day, too!
5. I just miss you, so obviously I'm using the comment section on your blog as a personal e-mail. I'll stop now.

The LaLa said...

You all look great, andthe girls are precious. No matter what Kate says. Heehee.