Friday, December 17, 2010


I just spent 2 hours typing a HUGE blog of everything leading up to the birth and then the whole birth story and then everything since we have been home.

I did this on Matt's laptop so I could do it in bed.  I hate typing on Matt's laptop because I always accidently hit buttons that open new tabs and do who knows what.  Can you see where this is going?  I was literally finishing the last sentence of a huge blog when all of the sudden all my text disappeared and in it's place was just the letter C.  I freaked out.  Then I tried to close out the window, but too late.  Blogger had already auto saved the lone "c" that now stood in the place of my time consuming, soul spilling, articulate blog.

So naturally I am homrmonal post pardum and did as anyone would do.  I threw a huge fit, punched a bunch of pillows, said a swear word...then bawled like a baby.  And Matt just watched, overwhelmed, then tried to recover the old, now saved over blog, while I sobbed that I will never be able to write it the same and that I wrote it for Kate and now when I re-write it, it will never be as good, and it will certainly not be as long or as detail ordiented.

Sad Day.

Oh, but by the way, I HAD A BABY!!  :)  Here is her info and you will have to wait for details and all that until I get over the frustration I feel at losing that post.

Kathryn LouAnne
Dec 13, 2010
2:33 am
6lbs 5oz

She suprised us by coming 3 weeks early and by being BLONDE!  She is going to keep us on our toes!


Quinn said...

She's so beautiful Jen!! Congratulations! And how great to have her before Christmas! I heard your older girls are coming here and hanging out with grandma. Hope that means I finally get to meet them. By the way, you make beautiful babies!

Heather said...


Musings of Mrs. Zale said...

Oh yay!!!! For the baby...sad about the evil C blog stealer;)

russandkatie said...

she is beautiful and definitely looks like she fits in. oh and I love her name!

The LaLa said...

No worries, Jenn. She won't be able to read for years, and you can reconstruct it LONG before then. She's a beauty!
P.S. The word verification is "lawel", as in "Someday Kathryn gwow up to be a lawel!"

The Booth Family said...

I hate it when that happens! On the flp side, your baby is super cute! Good job!!(.... what does that mean anyway? I always think it's weird when people say good job about making a cute baby!?!?! Oh well.) Cute baby!

Sare said...

She is BEAUTIFUL guys!!! Congratulations!!! Sorry you lost the post...that blows.