...Another massive, all-inclusive, cath-up blog! Isn't it lovely?
Well, after the last time I blogged I had my wisdom teeth out. Yikes. It was not fun. My mother in law took care of the girls and I for the first couple of days, then my mom picked us up on her way home from parker and took us to Thatcher for 4 days.
Being home was so great. Granted I WAS on drugs for the first couple of days. :) But really, it was nice just to be HOME. Ya know? My mom took such great care of the girls and I, and my sister Emily puree'd a bunch of yummy food for me, which fed me the whole time I was down there. It was so nice to be around my family and not have anywhere to go (nobody really knew I was there), I stayed at my mom's house until the day I left. I got to sleep and rest and just be. I LOVED it. It was good for my soul.
It did make me miss being in Thatcher and remembering how simple and easy life was for me there. sigh.
Lily's latest trick on the other hand is getting into bed with Isabel. That wouldn't be so bad except that she often also empties out ALL the clothes in her and Izzie's dressers and throws them in the crib and on the floor. Then when she is in the crib with Iz, she strips them both down, INCLUDING Isabels diaper, which often leads to Izzie peeing on piles of clean clothes.
I feel like since I came home life has been NON-STOP! It has been crazy. Here are the highlights. :)
General Conference. AMAZING. "Nuff said.
Easter. We had a great Easter. We went to matt's parents and our grandparents and all Matt's siblings were there. We had (way too much) yummy food (which I could finally eat after the surgery), and the kids had and Easter Egg hunt, which they loved. It was a really nice day.
The girls have been doing alot of reading lately and I often find Lily "reading" the books to Izzie, this I LOVE. She even does the animal noises and voices.
I joined a gym :) I forgot how addicting working out can be. Especially when you put your kids in KidCare while you are there so they aren't crawling all over you. It is much easier.
Lily helps me wake daddy up in the evenings so he can go to work
It was incredibly windy and that coupled with the fact that it is spring made for nasty allergies. The kind where your allergies get so bad you pretty much have a cold and feel horrible with all the drainage and the headache, etc. Yucky. Plus I was losing my voice off and on (due to said drainage) and we had to sing in Stake Conference. Which ended up being a pretty mediocre performance on Matt and my part (we did a duet), which was disappointing. There were alot of factors that made it that way, it wasn't awful, just ok. The rest of the meetings were WONDERFUL. LOVED it. So uplifting and inspiring and just plain GOOD. I love this stake.
The night before Matt and I sang in conference was my birthday party. It was like, TOTALLY rad! It was 80's themed and we had a dance. We set it up in the church's gym. It was a ton of work and by the time it was starting I really didn't even want to be there, I was feeling sick still and I was WORN OUT, but as soon as the music started and I saw how AWESOME people looked (everyone dressed up), I got so hyped. And I ended up having SUCH a good time. I think that most of the people who came had a good time. It was great to get to be silly and stupid, and also to dance with my husband. I had a blast. I felt a little weird initially about having a birthday party (since I am a grown-up...kind of), and I wasn't sure if people would come, or if they would really get that into it. But people did. we had about 30 something people and 90% of them dressed up and danced and seemed to have a good time. I am glad I did it :)
***I actually wrote this post 2 weeks ago, but I have been waiting on my friend Elisa to send me her pictures (her husband Jeff took a bunch at the party)...hint, HINT Elisa! :) So there may be other b-day pics added...eventually****
The first picture is so awesome, as is Isabel's standing in the corner. Love you!
Whoopsies...I will get on that!! Sorry!! Don't I at least get points for sending the ones from the girls night?? :)
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