Monday, March 15, 2010

Thatcher - Part 2 :)

So the day before we left Thatcher we went up on Mt Graham and had a snow day!  Lily ended up sick afterwards and since then all us girls have passed it around...but it might have been worth it!  It was Lily's first time in snow and it was a gorgeous day, we pulled off into a road side "undeveloped campsite" and it was perfect for all our needs.

There was a great little hill for sledding down

And a nice little flat spot for building a snowman

Just before we left a couple people pulled over to take some pictures and we asked them to use our camera to catch one of all 3 of us.

It was a great little family day.  Which by the way, have I mentioned those are scarce lately?  Even on our trip, Matt spent most of the time holed up in a bedroom doing schoolwork.  But he took this 1/2 day off and managed to go out to eat with a friend from Nursing School and even out to eat with me once!


Katie said...

That is the most perfect snowman!

I'm in AZ right now and I have so much homework I feel like I can't enjoy myself. It totally blows so I know how Matt must have felt.

Heather said...

I love all the smiles! The pictures are great.

It's good for me to see and hear about stuff like this, since we always have so much snow that I tend to think of it as the thing that must not be named and haven't played in it in years.

Sare said...


Charlie said...

You mean all I had to do was drive to Mt. Graham for trees and snow? Man—that was one expensive trip to Moscow...

What a fun trip! I'm glad Lily got to see what snow was!