Thursday, September 13, 2012

5 months later...

OK Ya'll!  Once again I am sorry for the 5 month leave of absence.  Now I am completely overwhelmed by all the stuff I skipped over.   Part of me just wants to skip it and pick up today and not spend the hours it would take for me to go through old pics and write "catch up" blogs.  But lots of important things have happened in the last 5 months, so I am gonna suck it up and make it through all of the catch-up!  I am going to go in chronological order, so my first post will be about May!

Here goes nothing!


In May Lily graduated from preschool.  She got to sing lots of songs, and got a certificate of advancement.  She also got an Ants on the Apple book which she had colored herself, and we got a record of everything she had learned over the year.  Which was quite a lot.  Now that she is in Kindergarten she comes home and says, its just like my old school, and we already learned all this!  So a million thanks to Miss Linda who was such an amazing teacher for Lily.  Over the summer Lily's reading really took off, and I love to listen to her read beginner books to her little sisters and Matt & I.

Lily & Izzie  had their end of year gymnastics performance!  They were so excited and I was SO proud of them!  We will miss Katie's Gymbugs SOOOO much.  In fact the 2 major headings from this post are preschool and gymnastics and I would say that (aside from leaving loved ones) the 2 things that make me the most sad about leaving AZ are: not being able to send Izzie (and Kate eventually) to Miss Linda's preschool, and missing out on Miss Katie's gymnastics.

 This series of Iz, shows her personality so well, I had to include them all!

The night before the girl's gymnastics performance Aunt Heather & her girls came over for a no boys allowed sleepover!  We had SO much fun and it was great to have them there for the girl's gymnastics show!

What's a sleepover without Barro's Pizza?!

We also took the girls on a Zoo Trip before it got too hot.

Toward the end of the month, we celebrated Matt's 30th Birthday!!!


Sare said...

I miss you guys!!!

Dandi said...

Ditto. Miss you guys! I'm excited to hear about all your current adventures!

Bon said...

that last picture of you and matt is so cute. hope you guys are doing well!!