Thursday, March 10, 2011

My boyfriend

So I promise to write a 'real' blog soon, I have just been SO swamped with homework, but I should finish this beast of a class by next week, and then be doing much easier and less stressful work, but in the meantime I had to share this.

My good friend Maggie knows about my secret love and sent me this.  So I thought I would share.

You have to click on it to be able to see the last square, since it is a weird shape and blogger edits it


Heather said...

Ummm...did I know you're taking a class?? I feel like a bad friend - either because I didn't know or because I forgot. Haha, anyway, miss your face!

Cousin Julia said...

On a totally unrelated subject, I got my hair cut the other day here in Eagar by a gal whose husband went to nursing school with Matt. Her name is Jill Cameron. I don't know the husband or his name, but she is so much fun. Do you know them? She said she also used to cut Charlie's hair. Small world!

neally82 said...

I'd have to agree with the comic strip. :-)