Thursday, January 28, 2010

Getting to the present

So, this blog is going to catch ya'll up to today :) Aren't you proud of me??  I can't believe that I am actually completely catching up here.  I never keep a journal so it is no suprise that I tend not to be a very faithful blogger, but I have decided that my blog kind of IS like a journal (the kind you are ok with people reading after you are old and gray-not the  Dear Diary kind) so I am trying to be better about it!

As I said in my last couple posts, during Isabels birthday I was sick with a nasty cold.  Which I then gave to Isabel and she then gave to Lily.  It was HORRIBLE.  The girls were SO miserable (and so was I) and Matt wasn't great either.  The girls temps got scary high (like 105 people), so we were of course piggybacking meds, and giving lots of cold baths.

so cold!

When Lily was really sick the baths were horrible for her, she was so miserable, but as she started feeling better (but her fever stayed high) we could convince her to get in by letting her play with her soap paint that Santa gave her.  {side story: she is now no longer allowed to use this in the tub due to sneaking it in her room durning nap time, unscrewing the lid, painting all over herself, her clothes, the floor, Izzie (especially her face), Izzie's clothes and Izzie's sheets.}

After a couple of weeks we were all finally feeling better!  HOORAY! Then last weekend Matt had 5 days in a row off so we were planning on going home to visit my family, its been like 6 months since we were there and it was also my mom's birthday so we wanted to be there for that, BUT the day before we were supposed to leave my mom called to say that her and my sister's son were diagnosed that day (my mom's actual b-day) with Strep Throat.  Which was devastating.  SO sad.  We had all been healthy for like 2 days, so we decided not to risk it.  It was the right choice. but it really made me sad.

Matt took the opportunity to hole up in our room for the weekend and work on homework.  Since the girls and I were on our own (and it was raining ALOT) I tried to think of fun things to do.  One afternoon we made pudding and I let them eat it themselves, in the bath tub where it wouldn't be so bad to clean up.

Then on Tuesday we decided to go on a family outing to the zoo.  We didn't have any plans since that is the day we were supposed to be driving home, Matt had been a good boy doing school stuff and decided he could manage a break and I needed to feel like we did something fun during the time off, so I could stop feeling sorry for myself that I couldn't go home.  We had SO much fun at the zoo.  Lily LOVED it, and so did Izzie actually.  Isabel loved all the birds and Lily loved it all.  I also got to puch a squirrel.  It was great.  It actually was accidental, he (or she) was hanging out under our park bench during luch begging for scraps and I dropped a lid and reached to pick it up at the same time he darted for it, and my fist and his face collided.  He returned after only a minute and remained for the rest of our luch break, so I don't feel too bad about it.  Here is a slide show of our day at the Zoo.
Warning there are 30 pics in here so get comfy :)

After the Zoo we went out to dinner with our friends Sara and Jeremy, it was fun and delicious.  I'm so glad they asked us!

Anyway, that is what we have been up to THIS WEEK!  Matt has been paying for the time off by having the craziest work/school schedule ever the last half of the week, when he finally gets some sleep after today he will have been awake and at school or working for 40 hours straight, if you don't count a 3 hour nap then you can make it 50 hours.  So if you see him, feel sorry for him, or at least cut him some slack :)  He is working SUPER hard and doing lots of tedious and un-fun things right now.  Yet he is still helping out and being a GREAT dad.  He is my best friend and a wonderful man, I just wish that I could take some of his load right now.  Anyway, he is taking it all like a champ and I am SO grateful for him and super proud of him, so I have to brag at least a little right?

Ok, wow!  I did it!  I am caught up through this very day!  Hooray for me!  :)  Thanks to YOU for reading this!  You get a pat on the back!  But only if you comment.  Not that I really mind blog stalkers (i am one too) I just LOVE comments, because I am self absorbed I'll admit it.  So if you don't comment then you should remove the pat that you may or may not have just placed on your back.  I withdraw my invitation for said patting, unless of course you comment.  In which case, pat away my friend, pat away :)


Charlie said...

I'm right* behind ya on the blogging, sis.

* = +/- 6 months

Debbie said...

What a fun time with your family. Such cute pics at the zoo.

Bon said...

i'm narcissistic that way too with how i love comments. so i'm gonna go ahead and pat myself on the back. i can't believe poor matt! you got yourself a good one! and i'm glad you guys are healthy. now just stay that way ok? :)

Heather said...

I may or may not have laughed out loud about Lily sneaking the paint in her room. For some reason that is ridiculously awesome to me. But I'm hoping my kids are not that awesome and I can just enjoy the awesomeness of others' kids.

Sare said...

I'm amazed at that guy!!! I've been wondering if he made it. I can't even imagine!!