Thursday, October 15, 2009

It's a sad day :(

Seriously.  You should feel sorry for me. 

For the past couple of days I haven't been feeling very well, and Matt has been working (6am-8:30pm).  We were SUPPOSED to leaved today for our California trip, so even though I was feeling like crap, I was still running around trying to get everything ready and done for the trip.  You know the usual shopping and laundry last minute whatever, packing, house cleaning, etc.  Anyway, yesterday Isabel spikes a high fever, I give her meds and like most seasoned parents I hope that it is just teething or some temporary thing, and figure I'll watch it and REALLY hope that she isn't sick.  Because lets face it, it has been 2 years since our last vacation and we are REALLY looking forward to/needing some relaxing time, and we have been planning this and looking forward to it for 6 months.  Not to mention that we have already told Lily that we are going to the Beach and that we will see her cousins there and she is SOOOO excited.  Seriously won't stop talking about it.  Anyway, I hope and pray that she will feel better in the morning.  Matt comes home and I tell him about it, but I still want to get the car all packed up and us all ready to go... being positive... pushing through... needing a vacay.

Izzie wakes up several times in the night, we are piggybacking the Motrin and Tylenol and her fever still gets up to 104.  So we call the Dr as soon as their office opens, they have an opening at 10 so we decide not to make a decision until we talk to the Dr.  We drive down to the Dr (in our car that is packed full of all our vacation gear), still hoping and praying that it is going to be no big deal.  But she tests positive for the flu.  And the Dr says that so far the seasonal flu hasn't been showing up much, and for her age range, factors, etc (she did recently get the regular flu shot), the Dr thinks it is most likely swine flu.  Of course the in-office test doesn't show that, it has to be sent out, but the Doc says she thinks it probably is H1N1 and to keep her quarentined for a week.

So now I am totally worried about my sweet baby who is acting like she is feeling more miserable by the minute (we had already decided not to go on our vacation before the results came back), AND I have a heart broken 2 year old who keeps asking "We go a beach mama?".  All 'n all, it is a pretty depressing day.  Oh yeah, and I still don't feel well.  So we will be staying home trying not to spread our germs around.

I am trying my hardest not to worry too much about Isabel, they gave us a prescription that we have to take to an apocathery so that they can make a suspended compound.  The CDC approved an emergency dosage for kids under one, but it actually hasn't been tested on kids under one (over one was fine) the Dr said that she had given it to 4 other infants and none of them had any reaction to it and were here's hoping!  But with the serious complications that can result from the swine flu (and the age range with the highest complication/death rate is by far children under 1), we feel like we don't really have a choice, we have to do what we can to try and keep her from getting any sicker.  So anyway, I am trying to just stay positive, and feel glad that we caught it within the first 24 hours of her showing symptoms.

I am also trying not to think of that beautiful house right on the sand of Newport beach.  Or the sound of the ocean.  Am I horrible for being really bummed about the timing of this?

Anyway, when am I EVER going to learn that you NEVER tell your kids that you are doing ANYTHING fun until you are in the car on the way there.  This would be alot easier if Lily wasn't so disappointed.

Anyway, ENOUGH of my little pity party (but really...poor me).  I had a nice anniversay (matt worked and I was feeling sick, but after he came home it was great :), and I would love to post all about it and put up lots of new pics, but for now I just wanted to vent about my morning while the girls are sleeping, so that I can get it off my chest and go take a nap myself.  So off to bed I go.  And I really do already feel better just putting all my bad juju out there, in with the good, out with the bad!


sweetvictorya said...

Sorry your family is sick and you are missing your vacation.

Heather said...

BOOOO!!!! Ok, Jenn, that just SUUUUUCKS! I am totally bummed for all of you right now. Is there any way you can delay the vacay and go another time?

Heidi Totten said...

Awww, man! That is terrible! On all sides! I am so sorry. I will say some major prayers for my little cousin and hope that you all are feeling better soon!

Katie said...

That 100% blows! I'm so sorry, and I'm not a DR or anything but I think Isabella is going to be just fine. Just keep the faith. You probably made the good decision to stay home and I would totally be feeling just like you. So go throw a couple things and cry in the shower and you'll feel better. It is way hard to disappoint a little girl but one of you take her swimming and she'll forget all about it.

The Booth Family said...

Jen you can't take a break from the chaos can you?!? I am so sorry that your baby isn't feeling well. Let me know what you need! Seriously anything. Love ya!

Unknown said...

When it rains it pours! I'm so sorry for your family Jen. We'll keep you in our prayers.

The LaLa said...

Oh, Jenn, that is just awful. I hope little Izzie is feeling better soon. Fluids, fluids. (you drink whatever fluid will make you feel better!) Can you go later, if she gets better? Can Matt change his days off? Much love!

The LaLa said...

Did you get the test results yet? How is Izzie feeling?

Jeanne said...

Jenn, so sorry about all the frustration! It's hard enough when your kids are sick but add to it that it might be swine flu and you have to cancel your trip, yuck! I hope she's okay and no one else picks it up. Never feel bad about venting, we all need to do it now and then and it helps me feel better too. I'll keep you guys in my prayers.