A couple of weeks ago I bought a bag of Hershey's extra creamy milk chocolate with almonds and toffee Nuggets. Big mistake. Huge. I love them. I saw them in the Fresh and Easy when I was buying produce and I couldn't resist them. I LOVE them. Alot. It is pathetic. Anyway, I have been SO good at NOT buying any junk this pregnancy. I crave it and I know that if I buy it I will eat it. I have yet to gain any weight, which I am extremely happy about, but that can not continue to be the case if I EVER stoop to buy these delicious treats again. I bring this up, because I am finishing off the bag as we speak, or as I type I suppose. I figured that I might as well just down the last 5 nuggets or so today and then they won't be here to tempt me tomorrow, then I can get back on track. Great logic right? Anyway, hershey's and I currently have a love/hate relationship right now. Along with Jello Pudding. Like my Grandpa always says, "I can resist anything...except temptaion"
2 weeks ago we decided to start the process of trying to revive the backyard. We have an HOA so the front has always been nice but the back yard has been in pretty rough shape, and I would love to let Lily play back there when it cools off, so we have been working on it. The first day we stripped her down and turned the sprinkler on to entertain her so we could both work. She loved it!
We went to the park last week, we are REALLY close to this great park that has peacocks and chickens and kitties running around the citrus and historical areas. Lily loved to see the animals and also to play on the sets like a big kid! She is growing up too fast!!
We had a big Labor day family gathering at Nana and Boopah's house (matt's parents). It was fun and Lily got to play with her cousins which she loved. It is wonderful to be living so close to Matt's parents for the first time, we are really enjoying that. And so is Lily. Everytime we go anywhere in the car she starts saying "Nana", "Boopah"! Thinking that we are driving to their house. We usually go over on sundays and occasionally once during the week for a short visit, but she is convinced that everytime we get in the car we should be going to nana and boopah's.
We bought tickets for Disney's Lion King stage production. I am really excited! It should be great, although it is the first week of Febuary, so hopefully I won't be too nervous about leaving the new baby. I am sure that it will be a great first date for matt and I after the new addition though. If it was going to be a show that we were less excited about we probably wouldn't have gone since the dates aren't great, but we couldn't pass up the opportunity, we got great seats too. It will be fun!
I can't believe that it is already the first week of september! That means I am only 4 calendar months away from having this little girl! May doesn't seem like very long ago and the past 4 months have flown by, so when I think of all the holidays and how quickly the next 4 months will go I am blown away. I am barely starting to really feel like I am pregnant. Even with all the sickness it just hasn't really felt real to me. The only reason that it is starting to now is that this girl is ACTIVE and I am constantly feeling her squirm inside of me. a feeling I will never get over. Matt can feel her now too, which I love. Anyway, now I am just starting to really believe that I am indeed pregnant, but the thought of actually having another baby here, living with us is still a ways away for me. I just can't imagine the reality of it. I am excited for it, but it feels like we are "making-believe".
Did ya'll watch the Sara Palin speech at last nights RNC? I have to say, I loved her. Was it perfect? Of course not, but for the first time I felt really behind someone, I actually believed in her. I am not a huge McCain fan, or even an average sized McCain fan, so I was really pleasently suprised with how great she is. Of course I am really looking forward to her debate against Bidden on the 2nd of Oct to really see how she tackles the issues under pressure and on her feet. There were of course lots of issues that she didn't cover so it will be good to hear more from her. I am not crazy about the way that both sides attack and demean each other, but I guess that now a days that is unavoidable. I did REALLY love some of the things she said though. Like the importance of serving your COUNTRY and not your PARTY. I love that she has tackled corrupt republicans. I love that I actually believe that she is in politics for the right reasons and hasn't been tainted by washington politics or the greed, pride and ego stroking that come with being a prospective candidate for years. Anyway, I know that we are just getting to know her, and I am sure that there will be times that she sticks her foot in her mouth and I feel embarrassed for her. but as far as first impressions go, she made a great one. It is about time the republican party produced someone who was actually inspirational!
Anyway, life is good. Matt is supposed to take a class on-line this month, my sister is having a baby, we have a ward campout and a few other events so hopefully I will keep up on my blogging and there will not be any more of these randome HUGE posts! If you are still reading this, thanks, I am impressed! You must either love me or not have cable :)